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. 2018 Dec 6;6(12):2325967118811293. doi: 10.1177/2325967118811293


Incidence of Tunnel Enlargement at 1 Year After ACL Reconstructiona

Group R Group P P Value
All ages
 Femoral tunnel, n 39 40
  AM, % 48.7 22.5 .0278
  PL, % 23.1 17.5 .7799
 Tibial tunnel, n 31 31
  AM, % 9.7 3.2 .6052
  PL, % 6.5 9.7 >.999
Age ≤30 y
 Femoral tunnel, n 23 21
  AM, % 39.1 4.8 .0102
  PL, % 13.0 9.5 >.999
 Tibial tunnel, n 19 16
  AM, % 0.0 0.0 >.999
  PL, % 0.0 6.3 .4571
Age >30 y
 Femoral tunnel, n 16 19
  AM, % 56.3 42.1 .6209
  PL, % 37.5 26.3 .7304
 Tibial tunnel, n 12 15
  AM, % 25.0 7.1 .294
  PL, % 16.7 14.3 >.999

aACL, anterior cruciate ligament; AM, anteromedial; PL, posterolateral.