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. 2018 Dec 3;9:2804. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02804

Table 1.

Clinical trials employing different DC subsets and different sources of antigens.

DC subset Loading with No. of patients Tumor type Vaccination procedure Clinical outcome References
moDC Autologous lysate 10 Epithelial MPM Three vaccinations i.d. (1/3) and i.v. (2/3) in at 0, 2 and 4 weeks CT scans and chest X-rays analyzed with modified RECIST: PRs (n = 3), SD (n = 1) and NR (n = 6) (45)
moDC Allogeneic tumor cell lysate 9 MPM Three biweekly vaccinations i.d. (1/3) and i.v. (2/3), followed by a boost at 3 and 6 months CT scans analyzed with modified RECIST: PR (n = 2), SD (n = 7) Median PFS of 8.8 months and median OS not reached (78)
moDC Allogeneic tumor cell lysate 27 Prostate cancer Twelve vaccinations s.c. at the axillary and inguinal areas; patients received 1 week of cyclophosphamide in metronomic setting prior to vaccinations Increase of median PSADT from 5.67 (prior treatment) to 18.85 months (after treatment) (48)
moDC 2 TAAs 15 NSCLC Three vaccinations i.v. in 1-week intervals Long-term follow-up until 2017: low dose group: no recurrence, progressive disease and death (n = 1 each); middle dose group: no recurrence (n = 3); high dose group: no recurrence (n = 7), progressive disease and death (n = 1) (49)
moDC 3 TAAs 156 Hepatocellular carcinoma Six injections s.c. near the inguinal lymph nodes over 14 weeks Difference in RFS not statistically significant between treated and control groups; Significantly prolonged RFS in the treated non-radiofrequency ablation subgroup (79)
moDC TAA-mRNA 30 AML (in remission) I.d. injections four times at 2-week intervals Antileukemic effect (n = 13) with minimal residual disease (n = 9) or SD (n = 4); significantly higher OS and RFS compared to non-responders (80)
moDC 4 HLA class I and 6 HLA class II peptides 53 Metastatic melanoma Four vaccinations (at week 0, 2, 6, 10) followed after 2 months by 6 vaccination maintenance cycles for up to 2 years No regression of all metastases according to WHO criteria but slow regression of individual metastases; 75% OS at 5 years in group of tumor-free patients; 19% of patients still alive after 12-year follow-up (81)
moDC 6 HER2 MHC class II binding peptides 42 HER2+ breast cancer Six weekly injections into the breast, into the groin LNs, or into both breast and in groin LNs Higher pathologic complete response rate in ductal carcinoma in situ patients compared with invasive breast cancer patients (28.6% vs. 8.3%) (74)
cDC2s 3 TAAs 14 Metastatic melanoma Three i.n. injections once every 2 weeks; followed by 2 maintenance cycles of 3 biweekly vaccinations each with a 6-week interval Long-term PFS of 12-35 months (n = 4) and median OS of 13.3 months (47)
pDCs 3 TAAs 15 Metastatic melanoma Three i.n. injections once every 2 weeks, followed by 2 maintenance cycles of 3 biweekly vaccinations with a 6-week interval SD (n = 2), mixed response (n = 1); increased PFS (4.0 vs. 2.1 months) and OS (22.0 vs. 7.6 months) compared to 72 matched control (chemotherapy-treated) patients (46)

AML, acute myeloid leukemia; cDC2s, conventional DCs 2; CT, computed tomography; i.d, intra-dermal; i.n.,intra-nodal; i.v., intra-venously; moDCs, monocyte-derived DCs; MPM, malignant pleural mesothelioma; NR, no response; NSCLC, non-small cell lung carcinoma; PR, partial response; RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors; OS, overall survival; pDCs, plasmacytoid DCs; PFS, progression-free survival; PSADT, prostate-specific antigen doubling time; RFS, recurrence-free survival; SD, stable disease; TAA, tumor-associated antigen; s.c. subcutaneous.

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