Figure 4.
Analysis of the tumor antigen-specific B cell response in gastro-esophageal adenocarcinoma. LUMINEXTM analyses of 34 TAAs were performed in serum samples of untreated gastro-esophageal adenocarcinoma patients (n = 34), serum samples following neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (n = 7) and healthy controls (n = 5) was analyzed by LUMINEXTM (A). Individual MFIs for CTAG1A and MAGEA4 (B). Summary of antibody responses detected in serum samples of tumor patients and healthy controls (C) Exemplary flow cytometry analyses of b cells specific for NY-ESO-1 (CTAG1A) in PBMC and TDLN of a gastro-esophageal adenocarcinoma patient using biotinylated NY-ESO-1 and a streptavidin tetramer (D). Heatmap and bar graphs of LUMINEXTM data show mean MFIs of duplicates, p = Chi2 test.