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. 2018 Oct 16;8(1):e1500106. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1500106

Table 2.

TP53-inactivation induced senescence differentially influences the tumor microenvironment in M0 and M1 tumors. We developed age and sex adjusted regression models using single-sample GSEA (ssGSEA) enrichment scores from TCGA RCC tumors, M0 (n = 297) and M1 (n = 79), to determine whether the TP53-inactivation induced senescence pathway, SENESCENCE_TP53_TARGETS_UP, associates with VHL-induced hypoxia and expression of key immune markers linking cellular senescence and immune infiltration. In models 1–4, we show the association between senescence enrichment and cGAS (M1), STING (M2), PRF1 M3, and GZMA M4 expression by regressing SENESCENCE_TP53_TARGETS_UP enrichment scores on the log10 normalized gene expression of these markers. In model 5 M5 we show the association between senescence enrichment and hypoxia (MANIA_HYPOXIA_VHL_UP) enrichment in M0 and M1 RCC tumors. Our regression models adjust for age and sex and specifically examine if there is an interaction between SENESCENCE_TP53_TARGETS_UP enrichment and metastasis status in order to determine if tumor senescence activity associates with markers of inflammation differently based on M0 or M1 status.

Model Outcome Variable βˆ SE p-value
M1 Eg cGAS ESsenescence_UP 1.365 0.3475 0.000102
  ESsenescence_UPM −2.714 0.7275 0.000221
M2 EgSTING ESsenescence_UP 1.660 0.2838 1.08*10−08
    ESsenescence_UPM −1.551 0.5942 0.00941
M3 EgPRF1 ESsenescence_UP 2.397 0.5247 6.66*10−06
  ESsenescence_UPM −3.236 1.098 0.00342
M4 EgGZMA ESsenescence_UP 2.054 0.6228 0.00106
    ESsenescence_UPM −2.930 1.303 0.0252
M5 EpPHypoxia ESsenescence_UP 0.7909 0.09713 5.97*10−15
  ESsenescence_UPM −0.5865 0.2033 0.00415

M1M4: Eg=βˆ1ESsenescence_UP+βˆ2M+βˆ3ESsenescence_UPM+βˆ4a+βˆ5s

M5: Ep=βˆ1ESsenescence_UP+βˆ2M+βˆ3ESsenescence_UPM+βˆ4a+βˆ5s where Egis the expected log10 normalized gene expression of cGAS (MB21D1), STING, PRF1, or GZMA, ESsenescence_UP is SENESCENCE_TP53_TARGETS_UP pathway enrichment scores, Epis the expected pathway enrichment score of PHypoxia, the MANIA_HYPOXIA_VHL_TARGETS_UP pathway, M is metastasis status, a is age, and s is sex.

Note: SE is standard error