Figure 1. RNAi-mediated depletion of Sf3A2 or Prp31 inhibits sister chromatid separation during mitosis.
(A) Western blots of S2 cell extracts and quantitation of relative band intensities showing that RNAi against Sf3A2 or Prp31 strongly reduces the levels of these proteins; tubulin (tub) and actin are loading controls (the full blot is shown in (Figure 1—figure supplement 1). (B) Mitotic figures observed in mock-treated control cells and in Sf3A2- and Prp31-depleted cells stained for DNA (blue), tubulin (green) and Cyclin B (red). meta, metaphase; ana, anaphase; telo, telophase; PML, prometaphase-like; PMLES prometaphase-like cells with elongated spindles. Note that PMLES exhibit a high level of Cyclin B. Scale bar, 5 μm. (C) Mitotic figures observed in control and RNAi cells stained for DNA (blue), tubulin (green) and BubR1 (red). BubR1 is enriched at the kinetochores in PMLES but not in control ana-telophases. Scale bar, 5 μm. (D) Frequencies of mitotic figures observed after RNAi against the indicated Sf3A2 and Prp31 sequences, or against both the Sf3A2 and Zw10 coding sequences; R are rescue constructs expressing either the Sf3A2 or the Prp31 coding sequence devoid of the UTRs. Lag, lagging chromosomes between the ana-telophase nuclei. M.I., mitotic index (i.e. percent of cells undergoing mitosis).