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. 2018 May 19;122(1):93–109. doi: 10.1038/s41437-018-0080-3

Table 1.

Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) that showed significant intraspecific differences in accumulation due to having only a single allele within the region spanned by a deficiency (Df), i.e., due to being hemizygous

CHC Name a n -C21 n -C22 n -C23 n -C24 n -C25 n -C27 9-T 7-T 5-T 7-P 5-P 9-H 7-H 7-N 9,13-PD 7,11-PD 9,13-HD 7,11-HD 7,11-ND 23-Br 25-Br 26-Br 27-Br 29-Br 31-Br
Carbons b 21 22 23 24 25 27 23 23 23 25 25 27 27 29 25 25 27 27 29 23 25 26 27 29 31
Features b 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 1D 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D B B B B B B
Df c Cyto.d Genes e
Df(3L)ED4457 [1] 67E2;68A7 98 ***
Df(3L)ED4486 [2] 69E6;69F6 49 ** **
Df(3L)fz-GF3b 70C1;70D2 45 ** ** **
Df(3L)ED4782 75F2;76A1 22 **** **
Df(3L)XS533 [3] 76B4;77B 161 ** **** *** **
Df(3L)ri-79c 77B;77F3 120 *** * ***
Df(3L)BSC284 [4] 78F1;79A3 16 *** * ***
Df(3L)BSC223 [5] 79B2 8 ***
Df(3L)BSC249 79B2 8 **** ***
Df(3L)ED5017 80A4;80C2 23 *** ** **** *** *** **
Df(3R)ME15 81F3;82F4 101 **** **** ***
Df(3R)3-4 82F5;82F7 15 **
82F8;82F10 8 **
Df(3R)ED5156 82F8;82F10 8 *
82F10;83A4 26 ** *
Df(3R)Exel6144 83A6;83B3 14 **
Df(3R)ED5177 [7] 83B6 5 *
Df(3R)p712 84D4;85A4 159 *
Df(3R)ED5330 [8] 85A5;85D1 83 ****
Df(3R)BSC38 85F1;86C1 69 **
Df(3R)M-Kx1 86C7;86D8 61 *
86D9;87B5 139 **** ****
Df(3R)T-32 [9] 86D9;87B5 139 **** **
87B1;87C1 82 * **** **** *** ** *
Df(3R)ED5644 88A4;88C9 77 **** ***
Df(3R)ED5664 88D1;88E3 57 * ****
Df(3R)BSC471 [10[ 88E3;88E5 9 *** * *** *** **** ** *** **
Df(3R)P115 89B7;89E7 97 * **
Df(3R)ED5780 89E11;89F4 31 ****
Df(3R)Cha7 [11] 91B1;91F1 71 *** **** * *** *** * ***
91F1;91F5 14 *** **
Df(3R)Dl-BX12 [12] 91F1;91F5 14 ** **
91F6;92B3 63 ***
Df(3R)e-R1 [14] 93B6;93C5 31 **
Df(3R)e-GC3 93D3;94A4 119 ** **
Df(3R)BSC56 94E1;94E9, 94F1;94F2 30 ** **
Df(3R)Exel9012 [15] 94E9;94E13 15 **
Df(3R)crb87-5 96A7 3 ***
Df(3R)ED6220 [19] 96A18;96C3 94 *** *** *** * **
Df(3R)Exel6203 [20] 96E2;96E6 9 * *
Df(3R)BSC321 96E6;96E9 13 *** ** *** *
Df(3R)BSC140 [21] 96F1 2 * *** ***
Df(3R)3450 98E3;99A8 82 **** **** **
Df(3R)BSC547 [22] 99B5;99B6 5 ** *** ***
Df(3R)L127 99C8;99E4 65 **** *
Df(3R)B81 99C8;99E4 65 *** ***
99E4;100E1 181 ** ***
Df(3R)ED50003 [23] 100E1;100F5 6 *** *** * **

aCHC name abbreviations are shown; full names can be found in the legend of Fig. 2. The primary compounds that have historically been studied in this species pair have their name underlined

bCHCs are ordered based on the number of carbons within the chain and whether the compound is a simple chain with no defining features (-), has one (1D) or two (2D) double bonds, or a branch in the carbon chain (B) with a 2-methyl group. Note that no lines were significant for compounds 6-T, 7,11-He + D, or n-C29, and so those columns are not shown

cThe italicized number in brackets [#] next to the deficiency name is the same as that overlaid on the biochemical pathway in Fig. 4, and is shown to facilitate comparison. Numbering is based on compounds listed in Table 2, and thus in Table 1 not all deficiencies have a number and not all numbers are listed

dThe cytological region (Cyto.) underlying the significant effect was determined through comparison among overlapping significant and/or non-significant deficiencies. Since cytological breakpoints are not precise for all deficiencies, in some cases we assumed that the significant region was at the margin where a significant and non-significant deficiency both ended. Note that some deficiencies are divided into multiple rows, where the region of overlap indicates that some compounds are affected by one region of the deficiency, while others are affected by a different region. CHCs that had a significant change due to hemizygosity for that region have their P-value represented by * ≤ 0.05, ** ≤ 0.005 *** ≤ 0.0005 **** ≤ 0.0001; all others were not statistically significant. Compounds that significantly increased in sim/Df have their P-value representation underlined; those that decreased are not underlined

eThe number of protein-coding genes (Genes) within each region was determined using CytoSearch in FlyBase