Table 1.
Clinical Highlights of Affected Family Members with TMEM94 Variants
Features | Family 1 | Family 2 | Family 3 | Family 4 | Family 5 | Family 6 | |||||
Position in the pedigree | II.1 | II.4 | II.1 | II.2 | II.3 | II.1 | II.1 | II.2 | II.3 | II.2 | |
Ethnicity | Omani | Qatari | European American | Indian | Turkish | Egypt | |||||
Consanguinity | + | + | No | + | Not reported, but parents from two small villages 3km away | + | |||||
Variant in cDNA∗ and protein level | c.2764C>T; p.Arg922∗ | c.840del; p.Asp280Glufs∗10 | c.2635dup; p.Met879Asnfs∗18 and c.795-1G>C | c.2000_2004dup; p.Pro669Alafs∗8 | c.4028+5G>A; p.Val1344∗ | c.3497delA; p.Asn1166Thrfs∗84 | |||||
Age | 8 years 7 months | 8 months | 8 years | 6 years | 3 years | 17 years | 3 years 5 months | 24 years | 18 years | 30 months | |
Gender | Female | Male | Female | Female | Male | Male | Male | Female | Female | Female | |
Growth | Birth weight | Not available | 2.9 kg (born at 32 weeks age of gestation) (>97th centile) | 1.77 kg (born at 30 weeks age of gestation) (90th centile) | 4.36 kg (95th centile) | 4.02 kg (born at 38 weeks of gestation) (85th centile) | 4.65 kg (99th centile) | 4.6 kg (> 97th centile) | 3.7 kg (96th centile) Cesarean at 37 weeks | 4.17 kg (>97th centile; +2.35SD) Cesarean section at 37 weeks 5/7 | Not available |
Birth length | Not available | Not available | 45.5 cm (born at 30 weeks age of gestation) (>97th centile) | 54 cm (98th centile) | 55 cm (98th centile) | Not available | Not available | 51cm (50-75th centile) | 52cm (75th centile) | Not available | |
Birth head circumference | Not available | Not available | 26.5 cm (born at 30 weeks age of gestation) (50th centile) | 37 cm (98th centile) | 35 cm (50th centile) | Not available | Not available | 33.5cm (25-50th centile) | Not available | Not available | |
Recent height | 120 cm (10thcentile) | 73 cm (75- 90th centile) | 129.6 cm (75.76th centile) | 124.3 cm (85th centile) | 90 cm at 90th centile | 188.0 cm (96th centile) | 108 cm (>97th centile) | 173cm (90-97th centile; +1.5SD), | 178.1cm (>97th centile; +2.3 SD) at age 16yrs | 95 cm (96th centile) | |
Recent weight | 19 kg (<3rd centile) | 8.3 kg (10- 25th centile) | 25.7kg (61.08th centile) | 22.4kg (65.7th centile) | 17kg (88.74th centile) | 79.5kg (91st centile) | 17 kg (90-95th centile) | 97kg (>97th centile; 2.89SD) | 89.1kg (>97th centile; +2.51 SD) at age 16yrs | 14.3kg (86th centile) | |
Recent head circumference | 50 cm (<10th centile) | 42 cm (< 3rd centile) | 53.5 cm (90th centile) | 55 cm (97th centile) | 46.5 cm (77.38th centile) (at 10 months) | 63.5 cm (>100th centile) | 50.2 cm (75th centile) | 58.5cm (>97th centile; +2.35SD) | 58.5cm (97th centile; +2.35SD) | 52cm (99th centile) | |
Neurologic features | Motor delay (HP:0001270) | + | + | + | − | + | + | + | + | + | + |
Learning disability (HP:0001328) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Speech delay (HP:0000750) | + | + | + | + | + | Expressive language delay | + | + | + | + | |
MRI o | Normal brain MRI | Normal brain MRI | Not available | Normal brain MRI | Bilateral symmetrical restricted diffusion and high T2 signal intensity of the cerebral white matter of the brain | Chiari type I malformation and cortical-based mass in the left inferior frontal gyrus pars orbitalis (ganglioglioma or other low grade glial tumor). Spinal MRI -T7 hyperintense signal | Not available | Not available | Enhanced signal within both hippocampi in FLAIR cuts, signs of microhemorrhages, possibly linked to hemodynamic changes during heart surgery | Not available | |
Facial features | Triangular face (HP:0000325) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + |
Hypertrichosis (HP:0004554) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Pointed chin (HP:0000307) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Synophrys (HP:0000664) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Thick arched eyebrows (HP:0002553) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Short nose (HP:0003196) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | Prominent (HP: 0000448) | Prominent (HP: 0000448) | + | |
Flat nasal bridge (HP:0005280) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | − | − | + | |
Long philtrum (HP:0000343) | + | + | + | + | + | - | + | HP:0000322 short philtrum | HP:0000322 short philtrum | + | |
Thin upper lip vermillion (HP:0000343) | + | + | + | + | Triangular upper lip | Not noted | + | prominent cupid bow upper lip, increased volume of lip vermillion | prominent cupid bow upper lip, increased volume of lip vermillion | + | |
Ears | Low set ears (HP:0000369) | + | + | + | + | + | Posteriorly rotated low set ears with hypoplastic helices | Large, low set posteriorly rotated ears | HP:0008544, under folded helix | HP:0008544, under folded helix | + |
Prominent ear lobules (HP:0009748) | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | + | |
Ophthalmological features | No gross eye abnormalities, no extraocular muscle weakness, visual acuity not tested but no corrective lenses at time of examination | No gross eye abnormalities, no extraocular muscle weakness, visual acuity not f tested but no corrective lenses at time of examination | Quiet anterior segment, Normal fundus, Visual acuity: left eye (6/12), right eye (6/18), Need glasses (+0.5-1.75) | Quiet anterior segment, Normal fundus, Visual acuity: left eye (6/9), right eye (6/9), Unaided | Bilateral nystagmus, Normal fundus, Need glasses (-1.5, -1.75) | Strabismus, deep set eye, long eye lashes, optic glioma of the right eye | Refractive error, normal fundus | Strabismus and myopia | Visual acuity not formally tested but no need for corrective lenses at time of examination; HPO:0007838 progressive Ptosis | Not available | |
Cardiac abnormalities | Atrial septal defect | Tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia | None | Small secondum ASD, two midmuscular VSDs and mall PDA (VSDs and PDA closed spontaneously) | Small patent foramen ovale and VSD | ASD, VSD, and PDA (PDA closed spontaneously); dilation of the ascending aorta (Z +3.6), sinus tachycardia, lymphatic vessel neoplasm | Tetralogy of Fallot with hypoplastic pulmonary annulus, large peri membranous malaligned VSD and large secundum ASD | AVSD, PDA, parachute mitral valve | ASD, VSD, double outlet right ventricle without pulmonal stenosis | ASD, VSD, Double outlet double ventricle | |
Skeletal features | Long fingers and toes | None | None | Mild scoliosis | None | Severe scoliosis, arachnodactyly, large hands, bilateral overlapping of the 3rd toe by the 2nd and 4th toes, asymmetry of the hip, osteochondroma of the proximal left tibial metaphysis | Bilateral overlapping toes, bilateral long great toes | Open bite and prognathism, long fingers, narrow hands (palm width/length- 2.75SD) | Thoracic kyphoscoliosis, long fingers, bilateral cutaneous 2,3 toe syndactyly, overlapping of the 2nd toe by the 3rd toe, narrow hands (palm width/length -3SD) | Not available | |
Respiratory features | None | None | Bronchial asthma, recurrent infections | Wheezy chest, bronchomalacia | Neutropenia, recurrent infections | Laryngotracheomalacia, dyspnea, recurrent pneumonia | None | None | None | None | |
Gastrointestinal features | None | None | None | None | None | GERD, mesenteric cyst, diarrhea, constipation | None | Omphalocele and malrotation | None | Not available | |
Genitourinary features | None | None | None | None | None | Mullerian duct remnant, adrenal cyst, dysuria, urinary retention, bilateral inguinal hernia | Penile hypospadias, bilateral undescended testis | None | None | Not available | |
Other features | None | Widely spaced nipples (HP:0006610) | Generalized hypotonia (HP:0001290) and hyper active behavior (HP:0000752); generalized tonic-clonic seizures | Pectus excavatum (HP:0000767), umbilical hernia, right ectopic kidney with no dilatation | Truncal hypotonia (HP:0008936) and appendicular hypertonia (HP:0002509) | Macrocephaly, high palate, dolichocephaly, vertigo, generalized hypotonia, pectus excavatum, numerous nevi, boggy subcutaneous lesions | Web neck, low set wide spaced nipples, shawl scrotum | Polyhydramnios, placentamegaly (1100gr), several nevi and cystic scalp formations, Macrocephaly | Polyhydramnios, large placenta (800gr), fatigable weakness of skeletal muscles, partial seizures at onset at 13 years with a sharp wave localized in the left temporal region, Macrocephaly | History of feeding and swallowing difficulties |
Table shows the clinical features of individuals with bi-allelic variants in TMEM94. HPO (human phenotype ontology) terms were specified when available.
“+” and “−” denotes presence and absence of a clinical feature, respectively. ASD, atrial septal defect; VSD, ventricular septal defect; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus;
AVSD, atrioventricular septal defect. ∗cDNA nomenclature based on GenBank NM_001321148.1.