Wdr5 depletion alters LR patterning in Xenopus tropicalis. (A,B) Percentage of embryos that have abnormal pitx2c (A) or dand5 (B) expression. Embryos were injected at the one-cell stage, or in one cell at the two-cell stage, with wdr5 MO. Absent, signal absent on both sides; bilateral, signal present on both sides; L, left; R, right; Reduced: signal reduced on both sides. (C-G) Percentage of embryos that have abnormal pitx2c expression. Embryos were injected at the one-cell stage with scrambled MO (C); wdr5 MO, wdr5 MO+human WDR5-3xGFP, scrambled MO injected on the right or left side of embryos (D); second wdr5 MO (E); wdr5 MO, wdr5 MO+K7Q-WDR5-3xGFP or K7Q-WDR5-3xGFP (F); or wdr5 MO and wdr5 MO+human 26-334-3xGFP (G). Experiments were repeated three times. ‘n’=number of embryos. ★P<0.05, ★★P<0.005 and ★★★P<0.0005.