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. 2018 Nov 26;20(11):e10437. doi: 10.2196/10437

Table 1.

Sample characteristics by condition at baseline. Values may not add up to 100% because of missing data.

Characteristics M-CTa (n=132) TAUb (n=132)
Age (years), mean (SD) 45.6 (10.9) 47.1 (10.7)
Female, n (%) 105 (79.5) 92 (69.7)
Country of birth, The Netherlands, n (%) 116 (88.5) 121 (92.4)
Marital status, n (%)

Single 39 (29.8) 32 (24.2)

Married or cohabiting 82 (62.6) 87 (65.9)

Divorced/widowed 10 (7.7) 13 (9.9)
Education, n (%)

Primary and/or secondary education 17 (12.9) 22 (16.7)

Vocational education 30 (22.7) 34 (25.8)

Higher education 85 (64.4) 76 (57.6)
Employed, n (%) 87 (66.4) 90 (68.7)
Treatment as usual, n (%)

No treatment 46 (34.8) 39 (30.0)

General practitioner 34 (25.8) 43 (33.1)

Specialized mental health aftercare 52 (39.4) 48 (36.9)
Treatment with antidepressants, n (%) 72 (55.4) 65 (50.8)
Previous episodes MDDc, median (IQRd) 4 (2.8) 4 (2.0)
Total HRSDe, mean (SD) 3.7 (3.1) 3.4 (2.9)
Depressive symptoms (IDS-SRf), mean (SD) 16.5 (10.3) 16.3 (9.7)
Severity past episode, n (%)

Mild 37 (28.0) 25 (18.9)

Moderate 73 (55.3) 71 (53.8)

Severe 22 (16.7) 36 (27.3)
Baseline utilities (EQ-5D-3Lg), mean (SD) 0.86 (0.12) 0.84 (0.17)
Baseline costs (€), mean (SD) 1729 (3699) 1552 (3216)

aM-CT: mobile cognitive therapy.

bTAU: treatment as usual.

cMDD: major depressive disorder.

dIQR: interquartile range.

eHRSD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.

fIDS-SR: Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology, Self-Report.

gEQ-5D-3L: three level version of the EuroQol Five Dimensional Questionnaire.