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. 2018 Aug 23;27(12):989–999. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007635

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics observation periods where a PAM questionnaire was returned, split by PAM level (1–4)

PAM level 1
(least activated)
PAM level 2 PAM level 3 PAM level 4
(most activated)
(n=2704) (n=2337) (n=5591) (n=1638) (n=12 270)
Healthcare utilisation Mean (SD) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
 Contacts with a general practitioner 10.52 (8.66) 8.90 (7.6) 8.19 (7.40) 7.50 (6.84) 8.75 (7.73)
 Emergency department attendances 0.73 (1.99) 0.49 (1.27) 0.47 (1.11) 0.42 (1.00) 0.52 (1.37)
 Elective inpatient admissions 0.61 (2.38) 0.39 (1.2) 0.39 (1.39) 0.58 (5.17) 0.47 (2.45)
 Emergency inpatient admissions 0.28 (0.86) 0.18 (0.58) 0.17 (0.62) 0.15 (0.64) 0.19 (0.68)
 Attended outpatient appointments 6.72 (9.55) 5.86 (8.64) 5.48 (8.51) 5.05 (7.88) 5.77 (8.71)
 ‘Did not attend’ contacts with a GP 0.75 (1.50) 0.52 (1.10) 0.44 (1.05) 0.36 (0.81) 0.51 (1.15)
 ‘Did not attend’ outpatient appointments 0.36 (0.98) 0.24 (0.72) 0.21 (0.74) 0.20 (0.70) 0.25 (0.79)
 Minor self-referrals to emergency departments 0.20 (0.64) 0.18 (0.68) 0.15 (0.51) 0.12 (0.39) 0.16 (0.56)
Other patient characteristics
 Age in years at the time of the questionnaire 67.36 (14.17) 67.47 (13.28) 67.21 (13.37) 64.37 (12.96) 66.92 (13.52)
 Number of physical long-term conditions* 2.05 (1.43) 2.00 (1.30) 1.92 (1.29) 1.80 (1.19) 1.95 (1.31)
 Number of mental health long-term conditions† 0.44 (0.59) 0.29 (0.50) 0.28 (0.49) 0.25 (0.47) 0.31 (0.52)
Number of physical long-term conditions* Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Frequency (%)
 0 218 (8.1) 129 (5.5) 288 (5.2) 74 (4.5) 709 (5.8)
 1 931 (34.4) 873 (37.4) 2295 (41.1) 751 (45.9) 4850 (39.5)
 2 741 (27.4) 675 (28.9) 1606 (28.7) 464 (28.3) 3486 (28.4)
 3+ 814 (30.1) 660 (28.2) 1402 (25.0) 349 (21.3) 3225 (26.3)
Number of mental health long-term conditions†
 0 1640 (60.7) 1706 (73.0) 4155 (74.3) 1253 (76.5) 8754 (71.3)
 1 936 (34.6) 582 (24.9) 1328 (23.8) 361 (22.0) 3207 (26.1)
 2+ 128 (4.7) 49 (2.1) 108 (1.9) 24 (1.5) 309 (2.5)
Index of Multiple Deprivation (national quintile groups)
 1 (most deprived) 1496 (55.3) 1259 (53.9) 2902 (51.9) 833 (50.9) 6490 (52.9)
 2 1078 (39.9) 949 (40.6) 2352 (42.1) 690 (42.1) 5069 (41.3)
 3, 4 or 5 130 (4.8) 129 (5.5) 337 (6.0) 115 (7.0) 711 (5.8)
 Female 1462 (54.1) 1214 (52.0) 2875 (51.4) 853 (52.1) 6404 (52.2)
 Male 1242 (45.9) 1123 (48.0) 2716 (48.6) 785 (47.9) 5866 (47.8)

*Angina, asthma, cancer, chronic heart disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial disease, stroke/transient ischaemic attack and hypertension.

†Dementia, depression and severe mental health.

GP, general practitioner; PAM, Patient Activation Measure.