Figure 2.
Plant hydraulic and gas-exchange responses to dehydration in Arabidopsis. Decline of the whole-plant hydraulic conductance (Kplant; A), gs (B), and Aarea (C) with dehydration are shown. Each point represents a different measured leaf. Kplant was obtained from the porometer data by dividing transpiration by Ψleaf (assuming that soil water potential was at full saturation). The black fitted line in each graph is the maximum likelihood function [exponential for and linear for
]. The dotted gray line is the Ψleaf at 50% loss of maximum Kplant, gs, or Aarea. Because trait values above −0.1 MPa were especially low (white circles), likely representing stomatal closure at those high water potentials (see “Materials and Methods”), we did not include these points in the line fitting.