Figure 3.
Imaging of Suc in the barley caryopsis. A, Cross section of a caryopsis sampled at 10 DPA. The red arrows indicate the path of the Suc supply from the vascular bundle to the endosperm. B and C, Color-coded Suc map (B) and light micrograph illustrating the structure of the caryopsis in the region of the main Suc translocation pathway (C). The graph at bottom of C comprises box plots showing the Suc concentration along the pathway (target circle, median; box, interquartile range [IQR]; lines, 1.5 × IQR). VB, Vascular bundle; NP, nucellar projection; ETC, endosperm transfer cell; SE, starchy endosperm; PE, pericarp. Tissue section thickness was 16 µm. Bars = 500 µm.