Figure 2.
Synteny plot identifying homologous whitefish (C. sp. “Albock”) linkage groups and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) chromosomes. The outermost track on the Atlantic Salmon side (left) of the plot shows the locations and names of chromosome arms (alternating in white and gray). The next track inwards shows whitefish linkage groups (right) and salmon chromosomes (left) and linkage group-chromosome synteny is denoted by the same coloring of linkage groups and chromosomes. Black salmon chromosomes Ssa02 and Ssa26 represent chromosomes with no homologous whitefish linkage groups. Salmon chromosome Ssa08 is colored in white and had no significant mappings. The innermost track highlights the location of the 839 RAD markers in the whitefish linkage map (right) which confidently map to the salmon genome (left). Those markers which map to the identified homologous chromosomes are colored in gray and those which deviate are colored in black. Links represent the mappings of 839 markers within the whitefish linkage map which were successfully mapped to the Atlantic Salmon genome. ‘Lineage-specific Ohnologue Resolution’ (LORe) regions within the salmon genome, identified by Robertson et al. (2017), are shown with broad red links between salmon chromosome arms.