Bifurcation analysis revealed that a SNIC bifurcation controls ISC proliferation (A). A one-parameter bifurcation analysis showing the control of CDK by CCS. The solid curve indicates stable steady-state solutions, whereas the dashed curve indicates unstable steady states. Circles indicate the minimal and maximal amplitudes in oscillatory solutions of CDK. (B) A two-parameter bifurcation diagram showing how CCS and ATOH1 control the dynamics of CDK. The plane is separated into three distinct regions: one oscillatory and two nonoscillatory regions. The positions of different cells on this map determine their proliferative dynamics. (C) ISCs, aTAs, and arrested cells plotted on a two-parameter bifurcation diagram. ISCs and aTAs reside within the oscillatory region, whereas the arrested cells lie outside this region. (D) A three-dimensional (3D) plot of ISCs, aTAs, and arrested cells, with a third parameter, . To see this figure in color, go online.