Figure 1.
A. Schematic of mitochondria (red), microtubules (blue), and f-actin (green) distribution in an undifferentiated cell. B. Mitochondria associate with microtubules (blue, bottom) and with actin (green, top) via motor/adaptor complexes. Dynein/dynactin associate with mitochondria via TRAK and Miro to drive retrograde mitochondrial motility. In contrast, Kinesin-1 coordinates anterograde motility towards the cell periphery. Myo19 can associate with the mitochondria outer membrane either directly or through Miro. Syntaphilin anchors mitochondria to microtubules. C. Spinning disk confocal image of a HeLa cell expressing a mitochondria matrix marker (Mito-DsRed2) as w3ell as markers for filamentous actin (top, LifeAct-GFP) and microtubules (bottom, SiR-Tubulin).