A, RNA-seq analysis identified a number of genes dysregulated by Eed cKO among genes differentially expressed during nerve regeneration at 14 d post-crush compared to uninjured nerves. See Supporting Information Table 2 and 5 for the list of dysregulated genes by Eed cKO in overall transcriptome and in the injury responsive transcriptome 14 d post-crush, respectively (n=3 per condition for control and n=2 for Eed cKO 14 d post-crush). B, Immunohistochemistry on transverse sections of distal stumps displays the JUN expression in nerves of indicated genotypes 5 d after cut. Scale bars, 40 μm. C, D, qRT-PCR analysis was used to identify the expression level of injury-responsive genes from 2 month Eed cKO and control sciatic nerves in uninjured condition or 14 day after crush. Expression levels were normalized with Gapdh. Data: mean ± SD; Asterisks indicate p-value between genotypes in the respective condition. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, ***p < 0.0005; n=4 for control and n=3 for Eed cKO (one-way ANOVA).