Figure 6.
Recovery from desensitization of α6*-nAChR-mediated whole-cell current in SH-EP1 cells. Time course for recovery from desensitization of α6*-nAChRs after a 5-s desensitizing pulse. Typical whole-cell current responses are illustrated for SH-EP1- α6*-nAChR cells subjected to paired 5 s desensitizing pulses of 1 μmol/L NIC followed by 1 s test pulses of the same agonist and dose after an inter-pulse interval of 5, 10, 20 and 40 s (A) or 3 μmol/L NIC using the same protocol for α4β2-nAChR (B). Recordings were obtained at a holding potential of -40 mV. Averaged current net charge (pA/pF) for responses to test pulses normalized to the amplitude of the desensitizing pulse response (ordinate) are plotted for NIC responses to α6*-nAChR (C, red curve) or α4β2-nAChR (C, black curve) as a function of inter-pulse interval (sec; abscissa). Data were fit to mono-exponential equations yielding values for extent of rate constants for recovery indicated in Figure 6C.