Figure 4. Sensory-sensory communication.
(A) Percentage of sensory neurons of sensory compartments involved in intra compartment sensory connections. Around 80% of all sensory neurons in ACa, AVa, AVp, ACp and VM form intra sensory connections. ACal and ACpl have the lowest number of neurons and also show low number of intra sensory contacts. (B) Connectivity diagram of axo-axonic connections between sensory neurons. The circular wheel arrangements represent previously defined sensory compartments (see Figure 2). Each small circle within a wheel represents a single neuron. Gray links show inter-cluster connections (max. 10 synapses in one direction). Note that sensory to sensory contacts are made mainly between sensory neurons of the same class, not between classes. (C) Percentage of synapses of sensory neurons from and onto sensory neurons. (D) Summarizing representation of axo-axonic contact input-to-output ratio viewed from the presynaptic neuron side (top) or from the postsynaptic neuron side (bottom). See Figure 4—figure supplements 1–2 for detailed connectivity.