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. 2018 Nov 29;14(11):e1006565. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006565

Table 1. Contrasts used to characterize tasks effects in our database.

We used CogPO categories for task-related description, and add necessary terms from Cognitive Atlas to describe higher-level cognitive aspect. Here we report only terms that were present in more than one study –aside from the “left foot”, which maps in the analysis as maps in “feet” task category, but not “right foot”. The task categories group terms typically used as conditions and their controls to test a hypothesis. The stimulus modality category stands for CogPO and task categories. Some terms do not belong to any task category and are referred to as such. The arithmetics task category spans across the response modality and instructions CogPO categories.

CogPO Categories Task Categories Terms contrasts
Stimulus modality - visual visual—auditory
auditory auditory—visual
Explicit stimulus Sounds human voice human voice—sound
sound sound—human voice
Retinotopy vertical checkerboard vertical checkerboard—horizontal checkerboard
horizontal checkerboard horizontal checkerboard—vertical checkerboard
Object recognition faces faces—13(places + object + scramble)
places places—13(faces + object + scramble)
objects object—13(faces + places + scramble)
scramble scramble—13(faces + places + object)
Symbol recognition words words—digits
digits digits—words
Response modality Motor—hands left hand left hand—right hand
right hand right hand—left hand
Motor—feet left foot left foot—right foot
right foot right foot—left foot
Arithmetics saccades saccades
Instructions Arithmetics calculation calculation
Cognitive Atlas term No category language language