Figure 5. V7-RUBY containing carboplatin or paclitaxel successfully killed tumor cells at pH 6.6 and retained drug at pH 7.4. A).
ES-2 and B) A2780 cells treated with V7-RUBY delivered carboplatin at pH 6.6 to significantly killed with ES-2 (32% viability) and A2780 cells (30% viability) at higher levels than carboplatin only (76% viability) and 48% viability (p=0.018,p=0.034). V7-RUBY delivered PTX at pH 6.6 which significantly resulted in significant cytotoxicity in ES-2 (21% viability) and A2780 (18% viability) cells in comparison to PTX only (69% and 64% viability) respectively, (p=0.007, p=0.008). In addition, at pH 7.4, V7-RUBY delivered carboplatin or PTX did not result in cell death in either ES-2 or A2780 cells. Likewise, RUBY only did not result in significantly increased cytotoxicity when compared to matched control pH 7.4 or 6.6 PBS (p=0.89, p=0.92, p=0.85, p=0.97). * p<0.05