(A) Single molecule tracking of Rsc2p-HaloTag (JF646) at CUP1 (YTK1635) and pes4::lacO (YTK1634). Charts and tables as described in the caption to Figure 1C. (B) Nucleosomal occupancy at CUP1. MNase-seq data for two biological replicate experiments. CUP1-2 - a single copy of CUP1 within the array. UASp,d - proximal and distal Upstream Activating Sequences, each containing two REs for Ace1p. Ovals - approximate positions of nucleosomes before activation. Treatment conditions: Rsc2−, Rsc2+, with or without Cu activation. (C) Proposed sequence of events at CUP1 promoter for an individual molecule of Ace1p: a molecule of RSC recruited to CUP1 mobilizes the −1 nucleosome, promoting binding of Ace1p; next, a bound molecule of Ace1p recruits the preinitiation complex (PIC); next, transcription starts, and PIC is disassembled; next, RSC moves the −1 nucleosome in opposite direction promoting eviction of Ace1p molecule.