Percentage of adults without high school diploma |
.84 |
−.03 |
No. of racial groups more than 10% of population |
.83 |
.24 |
Proportion of households receiving public assistance income |
.84 |
−.20 |
Percentage of youth aged 10–17 |
.95 |
.32 |
Percentage of families living in poverty |
.80 |
−.24 |
Percentage of men in labor force and unemployed |
.69 |
−.14 |
Percentage of women in labor force and unemployed |
.73 |
−.10 |
Percentage of single-parent, female-headed households |
.94 |
−.01 |
Percentage of owner-occupied homes |
.24 |
.83 |
Percentage of families in same house from 1985–1990 |
.20 |
.96 |
Eigenvalue |
5.64 |
1.92 |
Percentage of variance |
56% |
19% |