Figure 6.
Oligodendrocyte-lineage cells in bridge implants at 8 weeks post injury. Images are representative of positive cell counts. (A-D) Oligodendrocyte-lineage cells at 8 weeks post injury. (A) Hoechst, (B) NG2+, and (C) O4+ expression in bridge implants. (D) Merged image. Yellow arrows denote NG2+ cells. White arrows denote O4+ cells. Scale: 20 μm. (E-H) Neural progenitor cells at 8 weeks post injury. (E) Hoechst, (F) Sox2+, and (G) Olig2+ expression in bridge implants. (H) Merged image shows single expression and co-expression of Sox2 and Olig2. White arrows indicate positive nuclei for co-expression. Brightness and contrast were adjusted for clarity. Scale: 20 μm. (I) Schematic of infiltration of cells into bridge implants from uninjured contralateral tissue following injury. Cells nearest the midline migrate into the bridge to support regenerating axons. (J) Quantification of O4+ cells. (K) Quantification of NG2+ cells. (F) Quantification of neural progenitor cell phenotype densities. Data presented as mean +/− SEM. ** denotes p<0.01 v. FLuc, # denotes p<0.05 v. Noggin, ## denotes p<0.01 v. Noggin, $ $ denotes p<0.01 v. Noggin + PDGF, ^^^ denotes p<0.001 v. PDGF. N = 6 per condition.