Effect of phosphorylation at Ser-13 and/or Ser-16 on the internalization of mutant (Q42) Httex1 PFFs in striatal neurons. Primary rat striatal neurons treated with 0.5 μm unmodified or PTM Q42 PFFs were immunostained using the MW8 anti-total Htt antibody. MAP2 and Hoechst-33342 staining were also performed to reveal neuronal cell bodies and nuclei, respectively. A, low-magnification imaging showing that the MW8 antibody equivalently detected unmodified and PTM Q42 PFFs in contrast to the untreated condition. B, high-magnification confocal imaging of individual neurons showing that whereas unmodified-Q42 PFFs are mostly not internalized, some neurons treated with pSer-13-Q42, pSer-16-Q42, and pSer-13/pSer-16-Q42 Httex1 PFFs exhibit prominent internalization of PFFs, as established by orthogonal projection of z-stacks (Orth. Projection, rightmost lane). Orthogonal projections of all imaged channels of the same neurons are presented in Fig. S3B.