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. 2018 Dec 12;2:28. doi: 10.1038/s41698-018-0071-0

Table 2.

Additional patients and cohorts used for validation

Patient/cohort Age Gender Diagnosis Notesdysregulated miRNAs in serum exosomes
GBM1_relapse 46 M GBM IV Preoperative blood taken after recurrence of GBM1 (8-month relapse)
GBM12_prior 45 F GBM IV Preoperative blood taken before removal of earlier GBM lesion (GBM12; 4.6 months prior)
GBM13 33 M GBM IV Glioblastoma, IDHMUT, WHO (2016) grade IV
GBM14 56 M High-grade glioma No surgery/tissue pathology performed, diagnosis based on repeat MRIs. Overall survival of 8.1 months
GI_C 24 F Ganglioglioma grade I GFAP+ in glial component/NeuN+ in neuronal component, IDH1WT, ATRX+, BRAF(V600E)+++
HC (n = 9) 36.2 ± 10.3 5 F, 4 M Healthy controls
MS_C (n = 9) 35.3 ± 10.4 5 M, 4 F Relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis All patients had active lesions, were untreated (n = 5) or receiving different immunomodulatory therapies (n = 4)

For more detailed demographic, clinical, and histopathologic information, please refer to Supplementary Tables 2A-B. The mean age with standard deviation is provided for each cohort

F female, GBM glioblastoma, GII–III glioma grade II–III, GI_C ganglioglioma grade I control case, HC healthy controls, M male, MS_C multiple sclerosis control cohort