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. 2018 Jun 25;29(1):309–318. doi: 10.1007/s00330-018-5510-3

Table 1.

The protocol differed slightly between the different vendors (Philips Healthcare, Best, the Netherlands and General Electrics, Milwaukee, Wis). Imaging was performed before the start of treatment and after completing radiotherapy. One institution used intravaginal gel (Fig. 2b)

Scanner (3 Tesla) GE scanner (centre 1) Philips scanner (centres 2 and 3)
Patients included 85 22
T2-weighting (2D) TR/TE (ms/ms) 9436/81 4571/80
Scan plane 3 directions 3 directions
Flip angle (grades) 120 90
Matrix size 320 × 320 344× 285
Bandwidth (kHz) 125 125
Field view 24 24
Number of excitations 2 1
Slice thickness (mm) 4 4
Gap 0.4 0.4
DWI (2D) Gradient 3 directions 3 directions
Scan plane Axial Axial
b values 0–50–100–500–750–1000 0–50–100–500–750–1000
Bandwidth (kHz) 125 125
Slice thickness (mm) 4 4