Figure 6.
Induction of MSRV-Env expression is dependent of CD46-Cyt1 isoforme. (A) CD46-Cyt1 and CD46-Cyt2 mRNA expression levels in si-CD46-Cyt1-treated U87 cells normalized to si-control treated cells, analyzed by RT-qPCR (relative expression). Error bars, mean ± SD of three experiments, statistical test used: nonparametric KS test (n.s. P > 0.1, ****P < 0.0001, vs. untreated condition) (B–E) MSRV-Env expression in U87 cells, treated with either si-RNA control (B,D) or and si-Cyt1 (C,E), and either left non-infected (B,C) or infected with HHV-6A (MOI 0.1) for 24 h (D,E). MSRV-Env expression was determined using anti-MSRV-Env mAb, followed by anti-mouse-Alexa 555 (red staining) cellular nuclei were visualized using DAPI (blue staining), bar = 50 μm.