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. 2018 Dec 12;1(6):e201800197. doi: 10.26508/lsa.201800197

Figure S3. Mapping of zen mutations, and late flowering phenotype of zen1 mutants.

Figure S3.

(A) Histochemical β-glucuronidase (GUS) staining of heat-stressed rosette leaves from a complementation test between zen1 and zen2 mutants. WT in L5 background. (B) Late flowering phenotype of zen1 mutants as shown by late emergence of floral buds (left) and increased leaf number at bolting (right) in zen1 mutants. Histograms (right) represent average leaf number and error bars indicate standard deviations from two plants. (C, D) Segregants with a suppressor phenotype in an F2 population from a mutant (Col-0) × Ler-0 cross were sequenced in bulk. Y-axis indicates single-nucleotide polymorphism frequencies along 20-kb windows. The SNP-depleted chromosomal region encompasses homozygous candidate mutations, as indicated by an orange rectangle. (C) zen1 mapping (D) zen2 mapping.