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. 2018 Dec 12;18:307. doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0998-6

Table 6.

Costing of intervention

Resource use Cost (£) Unit Source
Costs of Consumables
 Yoga Mats and exercise bands 420 Total cost VIOLET study files
 DVDs and CDs 65 Total cost VIOLET study files
Costs of Staff Time
 Newcastle PSI (12 sessions × 3 cycles) 66.66 Per hour HealthWorks
 Glasgow PSI (12 sessions X 2 cycles) 61.50 Per hour LLT
 Glasgow PSI set up time (0.5 h per session for 24 sessions) 30.75 Per 30 mins LLT
 Glasgow PSI travel and parking costs (per session) 7.24 Per session LLT
Costs of Room Hire and Refreshments
 Newcastle (3 × 12 week cycles) 1925 Total Cost HealthWorks
 Glasgow (2 × 12 week cycles) 1476 Total Cost Visibility

KEY: PSI postural stability instructor, LLT Later Life Training