Fig. 1.
Organizational chart of the cervical cancer prevention process in Zambia (according to departments visited). Abbreviations in order of appearance: Ministry of Education (MoE), District Education Board (DEB), Ministry of Community Development Maternal and Child Health (MCDMCH), Ministry of Health (MoH), Provincial Health Office (PHO), District Health Office (DHO), World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ), Institute of Economic and Social Research (INESOR), Project Concern International (PCI), Traditional Health Practitioners Association of Zambia (THAPZ), University Teaching Hospital (UTH), Cancer Disease Hospital (CDH). Regular text facilitated both screening and vaccination; Bold text-dotted box only facilitated vaccination; Italic text-dashed box only facilitated screening. *MoE were key partners in vaccination only. ** MCDMCH has currently been changed to the Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare and the departments of maternal and child health are back under the MoH. ***THPAZ does not provide screening or vaccination services but traditional health practitioners might refer possible cervical cancer cases to health care providers