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. 2018 Dec 13;13(12):e0208842. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208842

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of study patients.

Men, No. (%) 90 (88.24)
BMI (Kg/m2) 27.1 [24.84–29.70]
Smoking history, No. (%)
 • Smokers/ex-smokers 78 (76.47)
 • Never smokers 24 (23.53)
Pack/years 20 [5–39]
Systolic pressure 122.25 ± 11.76
Diastolic pressure 76.37 ± 8.29
Type of AMI, No. (%)
 • STEMI 64 (62.75)
 • NSTEMI 38 (37.25)
Left ventricular ejection fraction (%) 50.22 ± 8.16
Cohabitation, No. (%)
 • Living with a partner 83 (86.46)
 • Single 13 (13.54)
Educational level, No. (%)
 • Primary/secondary school 41 (43.62)
 • High school 41 (43.62)
 • University degree 12 (12.76)
Employment status, No. (%)
 • Employee 70 (68.63)
 • Self-employed 32 (31.37)
Professional category, No. (%)
 • White collar worker 48 (47.06)
 • Blue collar worker 54 (52.94)

Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile ranges: 25th-75th percentile] or number of subjects (%). BMI: body mass index; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction.