Fig 10. Effects of CHRNA5 RNAi in drug sensitivity in BT-20 cell line.
Relative cell viability of siRNA-1 treated BT-20 cells to A. CPT and siRNA-1, B. DOXO and siRNA-1 treatments at increasing concentrations of CPT and DOXO. C-F. Western blots (C, D for siRNA-1 or siRNA-CN in the CPT (0.125μM) and DOXO (0.125μM) groups, respectively) and densitometry results with statistical analysis in CPT (E), DOXO (F) treatment groups with or without siRNA-1, respectively for CHRNA5, CHEK1, pCHEK1, pH2AX. (n = 2 for Western blotting and n = 3 for MTT assays; +: p < 0.1; *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001, ****: p < 0.0001).