Figure 4.
Clones with mutated actP achieved higher growth rates in single‐species cultures, but this effect was abolished in coculture. Evolved clones with either mutated actP or wild‐type actP were grown in single‐species culture (left) or coculture (right) and the growth rate (Malthusian constant m) calculated. Different colors represent different types of mutation, colored similarly to Figure 2. Red: inframe deletion; blue: inframe insertion; green: missense; purple: frameshift; gray: no mutation. Twenty‐three clones (11 actP mutants and 12 actP wild type) were tested in quadruplicate. Different points indicate independent technical replicates, bars indicate the mean and standard error for each clone, and the black circle and line indicate mean and standard error across clones. We identified a significant effect of actP status on growth in co‐culture compared with alone (LMM effect of actP status (χ²(1) = 12.034, P = 0.0005).