Figure 5-.
Functional analysis of the multi-domain structure of TgGC (A) Microneme secretion of extracellular RH GC-mAID-3HA complement lines. Parasites were stimulated ± serum albumin/ethanol following 14 h treatment with IAA or vehicle. Western blot of T. gondii excreted/secreted antigens probed for secreted micronemes (anti-MIC2) and constitutive dense granule secretion (anti-GRA7). Stim = stimulated, mock = mock stimulation with vehicle. Representative blot shown (N = 2 similar experiments). (B) Plaques formed by RH GC-mAID-3HA complement lines on HFF monolayers with IAA or vehicle at D8, 200 parasites/ monolayer. Plaque data represented as mean ± SD (n = 9 replicates combined from N = 3 trials). Each parasite line was analyzed individually for statistical significance using an unpaired t test (IAA vs control), P values: **** ≤ 0.0001.