Fig. 4.
GhHB12 regulates cotton vegetative branches and reproductive development by suppressing GhFT and GhFUL transcription. a qRT-PCR analysis of the transcript levels of GhHB12, GhmiR157, GhSPL10, GhFT, GhSOC1, and GhFUL in WT and transgenic plants. The GhUBQ7 gene was used as the endogenous reference gene. The data represent the mean ± SD of three technical replicates. b RT-PCR analysis of the transcript levels of GhHB12 and GhFT in GhHB12-overexpressing plants inoculated with dCLCrV or dCLCrV:GhFT. c Photographs of GhHB12-overexpressing plants inoculated with dCLCrV or dCLCrV:GhFT. Number of vegetative branches (d) and NFFB (e) of GhHB12-overexpressing plants inoculated with dCLCrV or dCLCrV:GhFT. Error bars in d and e indicate the standard deviation of 5–6 plants. *P < 0.05 indicate significant differences between two groups (Student’s t-test)