Figure 2.
Altered levels of Enterobacteriaceae (OTU23), Akkermansia (OTU41), and Anaerostipes (OTU71) following ivacaftor therapy. (A–C) All operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with greater than 10 reads were analyzed for significant differences following ivacaftor therapy using ANCOM. (D–I) Relative abundances of relevant OTUs were compared according to categorically negative (normal) or positive (abnormal) stool levels of M2PK and calprotectin for all stool samples (combined before and after ivacaftor). Normal values for faecal calprotectin and M2-PK were based on cut-offs of ≤50 mg/kg and ≤9U/ml. Means and 95% confidence intervals of each OTU’s relative abundance are shown.