Effect of adenosine (ADO) on [14C]oxalate uptake by Caco2-BBE (C2) cells. A: C2 cells grown on plastic support were preincubated with vehicle (Control) or 100 µM ADO for 2 min in the culture medium, and then [14C]oxalate uptake was measured as described in materials and methods. Values are means ± SE of 7 independent experiments each of which was done in triplicate and was normalized to the respective Control value. ADO significantly reduced [14C]oxalate uptake (*P < 0.00002, two-tailed t-test). B: C2 cells grown on transwell inserts were preincubated with vehicle (Control) or 100 µM ADO [apically (ADO-A) or basolaterally (ADO-B)] for 2 min in the culture medium, and then [14C]oxalate uptake was measured as described in materials and methods. Values are means ± SE of 3 independent experiments each of which was done in triplicate and was normalized to the respective Control value. ADO significantly reduced [14C]oxalate uptake (*P < 0.01 and < 0.001 for Control compared with ADO-A and ADO-B, respectively, by ANOVA).