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. 2018 Dec 14;12(Suppl 7):116. doi: 10.1186/s12918-018-0640-4

Table 3.

Part-of-speech Tags in Pre-processing

Tag Description Examples Tag Description Examples
CC Coordinating conjunction and, or PRP Personal pronoun I, you, he
CD Cardinal number one, two PRP$ Possessive pronoun your, one’s
DT Determiner a, the RB Adverb quickly, never
EX Existential ‘there’ there RP Particle up, off
FW Foreign word mea culpa SYM Symbol +, %, &
IN Preposition/sub-conj of, in, by TO “to” to
JJ Adjective good, long UH Interjection ah, oops
LS List item marker 1, 2, One VB Verb, base form look, eat
MD Modal can, should WDT Wh-determiner which, that
NN Noun apple, book WP Wh-pronoun what, who
NNP Proper noun IBM WP$ Possessive wh- whose
PDT Predeterminer all, both WRB Wh-adverb how, where
POS Possessive ending ‘s