Figure 3.
HDAC3 Loss in Schwann Cells Results in Gross Myelinating Abnormalities
(A) Representative EM images of transverse ultrathin sections of sciatic nerves from 9-month-old HDAC3fl/fl and HDAC3ΔSC animals, when the mutant animals exhibit profound neuropathies. The two images from the mutant animals represent areas of less severe and severe myelination defects.
(B) Quantification of myelination defects in 9-month-old animals (n = 3 mean ± SEM).
(C) Selected images of myelination abnormalities including myelin outfoldings (top left), focal hypermyelination (top right), the myelination of two axons by a single SC (bottom left), and redundant loop formation (bottom right).
∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figure S3.