Figure 4.
Myelination Initiates Normally in Schwann Cells Lacking HDAC3
(A) Representative colored EM images of sciatic nerve sections from postnatal day 5 animals. Unsorted axons are shown in blue, single sorted axons prior to myelination are shown in yellow, and sorted axons that have just initiated myelination are indicated with a red asterisk.
(B) Graph shows the g-ratio as a function of axon diameter of sciatic nerves from HDAC3fl/fl and HDAC3ΔSC postnatal day 5 mice (n = 3 > 600 axons/genotype).
(C–E) Graphs show (C) quantification of the myelination process as indicated, (D) the overall area of unsorted axons, and (E) the axon diameters of mSCs in the sciatic nerves of postnatal day 5 HDAC3fl/fl and HDAC3ΔSC mice (n = 3 mean ± SEM).
∗p < 0.05. See also Figure S4.