AC15 nuclear actin localizes to the DNA. (A-P”) Zoomed in images
of different cell types from maximum projections of 2–4 slices of
confocal stacks of the indicated stages of wild-type (yw)
follicles. (A-D, K-P) Magenta = DAPI, Green = AC15. (E-J) Magenta = DAPI, Green
= AC15, and White = Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA, marks nuclear envelope).
(A’-P’) White = AC15. (A”-P”) White = DAPI.
(A-D”) Nurse cells. (E-J”) Oocytes. (K-M”) Border cells.
(N-N”) Main body follicle cells. (O-O”) Centripetal follicle
cells. (P-P”) Stretch follicle cells. Within the nurse cells, AC15
largely colocalizes with the DNA (A-D”), however it also labels puncta
within regions devoid of chromatin in S9–11 (yellow arrowheads). In the
oocyte (nuclei circled by orange dashed line), AC15 nuclear actin structure
changes with development (E-J). In S4 oocytes, AC15 nuclear actin exhibits a
speckled appearance throughout the nucleoplasm, with bright puncta adjacent
around the edge of the chromatin (E-E”). This enrichment of AC15 puncta
around the DNA in the oocyte increases in S4–8 (F-G”), and then
appears to form filaments that encircle the chromatin in S9–11
(H-I”). In S12 oocytes, AC15 nuclear actin becomes more diffuse, but
still surrounds the DNA (J-J”). AC15 nuclear actin is also observed in
the somatic cells. In the migrating border cells, AC15 nuclear actin is weakly
observed in all of the cells (both border and polar cells) in the early stage of
migration (K-K”, blue arrows). Towards the end of the border cell
migration (late S9 and S10A), AC15 nuclear actin appears restricted to a subset
of the cells (L-M”, blue arrows); given the localization of the AC15
positive nuclei, we hypothesize that they are the polar cells. AC15 nuclear
actin is observed in all of the other follicle cell populations, including the
main body follicle cells (N-N” and blue arrows in O-O’),
centripetal follicle cells (circled in blue dashed line), and the stretch
follicle cells (P-P”, blue arrows). Scale bars = 10μm.