Peri-infarct GFP/DsRed+ Cells Express GABAergic Neuronal Markers in the Stroke-Injured Cortex
(A) Schematic of experiment on the ventral peri-infarct cortex at 4 wps.
(B–F) Immunostained ventral peri-infarct cortex at 4 wps, showing GFP/DsRed+ cell colabeled with GAD65/67 (GAD) (B), calretinin (CR) (C), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) (D), but not calbindin (CB) (E) or TBR1 (F).
(G) Proportion of ventral peri-infarct GFP/DsRed+ cells expressing markers (n = 3–4 mice).
(H) Schematic of experiment performed to isolate GFP/DsRed+ cells from the ventral peri-infarct cortex at 4 wps.
(I and J) Density scatterplots of FACS-isolated cells reveal a GFP/DsRed+ population (solid black line) (I) and mRNA expression in FACS-isolated GFP/DsRed+ cells from the 4 wps ventral peri-infarct cortex (J) (pooled tissue from three mice).
Scale bars, 40 μm (B–F), 10 μm (insets). Data: mean ± SEM.