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. 2018 Dec 13;9:5293. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07688-8

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

BMDECs are recruited in ulcer-associated dysplasia. a Dysplastic skin shows extremely abnormal epithelial structure (red box area is magnified). Non-dysplastic (mildly hyperplastic) epidermis adjacent to dysplasia (blue box area is magnified). b BMDCs (red) are observed in the dysplastic epithelium (red box area is magnified). c BMDCs (red) are identified in dysplastic epidermis (red box, c-I) but not in non-dysplastic-adjacent epidermis (blue box, c-II). BMDCs are not observed in non-dysplastic epidermis adjacent to dysplasia (c-III). d Clusters of keratin expressing BMDCs are identified in the basal region of dysplastic epithelium (white box area is magnified). e, f A significant contribution of e pan-keratin-expressing and f K14-expressing BMDECs are detected in dysplastic epithelium using a multiphoton confocal microscope. g Keratin-expressing BMDCs are identified in HF adjacent to a dysplastic wound (broken line boxes). White box area is magnified. h A group of GFP-positive cells (white box) are directly detected in HF in the dysplastic area of frozen skin sections using the GFP-channel. i The number of Y chromosome-positive donor-derived BMCs (white arrowheads) are identified in the frozen dysplastic skin section of female recipients. j, k K14/Y chromosome-positive (double positive) cells (white arrowheads) were identified in the dysplastic epithelium of frozen sections of female recipients. j A micrograph with high magnification and k a micrograph with low magnification of different samples and white box area is magnified. *Black and white scale bar, 50 µm; Red scale bar, 200 µm