Fig. 5.
Applications of the three-state approach. a Chemical structures of PIPCP, PC60BM, PBTTT, and PC70BM. b Experimental and fitted extinction coefficient of the PBTTT/PC70BM blend. Since photo-thermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) can only be used to determine the spectrum shape of CT absorption and not its absolute value, in the experiment32 the PDS spectrum (black line) was therefore scaled to absolute absorption units by matching the PDS spectrum in the strongly absorbing region with an integrating sphere UV-vis transmission and reflection measurement (blue line); a Gaussian fit (dashed gray line) was used to model the experimental CT absorption shoulder in the experiment32. Here, our three-state fit (dashed yellow line) is also employed to fit the full absorption spectrum of PBTTT/PC70BM. c Experimental (dashed lines) and fitted (solid lines) absorption spectra of pure PIPCP and the PIPCP/PC60BM blend. The experimental absorption spectra of the pure PIPCP polymer and the PIPCP/PC60BM blend were obtained via PDS measurements29. In the inset, the region filled in blue shows an additional absorption feature at the low-energy edge of the blend absorption compared with that of the pure polymer