Figure 4. Loss of CREBBP induces a partial EMT in SCLC.
A, Immunoblotting of CREBBP, EMT markers (ZEB1, E-CADHERIN, N-CADHERIN, VIMENTIN and SLUG) and neuroendocrine marker ASCL1 in 5 Crebbp wide-type and 5 Crebbp-deficient mouse SCLC tumor tissues. Beta-ACTIN was used as a loading control.
B, Immunoblotting of CREBBP, EMT markers (ZEB1, E-CADHERIN, N-CADHERIN, VIMENTIN and SLUG) and neuroendocrine marker ASCL1 in 6 Crebbp wide-type and 6 Crebbp-deleted murine SCLC cell lines.
C, Representative images of immunofluorescence staining of CREBBP and EMT markers (E-CADHERIN, VIMENTIN and ZEB1) in Crebbp wide-type and Crebbp-deleted mouse SCLC tumors. Nuclear DNA stained using DAPI. Original magnification, 40×.
D, Immunoblotting of CREBBP, ZEB1, E-CADHERIN and SLUG protein levels in murine preSC cells with or without Crebbp knockdown using shRNAs. Beta-ACTIN was used as loading control.
E, Immunoblotting of CREBBP, ZEB1 and E-CADHERIN protein levels in human SCLC cell line DMS53 with or without CREBBP knockout using sgRNAs. Beta-ACTIN was used as loading control.