Figure 2. Cytosolic LTA triggers caspase-11 cleavage.
Primary BMDMs were primed with poly(I:C) for 4 h, then transfected with (A and L) Listeria extracts, (B−K, M, N) indicated ligands for 4 h. (A−D, F, H, I, K−N) The cell lysates (Lysate) and supernatants (Sup) were subjected to immunoblotting, or (E and J) the lysates were subjected to caspase substrate cleavage assay. Blots of caspase-11 were cropped to reveal protein bands at 36 different exposures. (G) The supernatants were subjected to LDH assay. Results are representative of at least (A−M) three or (N) two independent experiments, and error bars denote s.d. of triplicate wells. PDE, phosphodiesterase; sLTA, synthetic LTA; GPR, glycerophosphate repeat; lmo0927 + lmo0927, lmo0927 strain reconstituted with lmo0927-expressing plasmid. ****P < 0.0001. See also Figures S2 and S3.