Fig. 3.
DEGs with high fold changes among lipid-laden in-vitro cultures after treatment for 72 h (PHH, HuH7) or 7d (HepG2) and Venn diagrams of commonly regulated genes in steatotic hepatocyte cultures at various time points. a Significantly regulated DEGs with a fold change of 3 or above in cultures of primary human hepatocyte A1 and HuH7 cultures A2 after lipid treatment for 72 h. A3 Results obtained with HepG2 cultures after lipid treatment for 7d. b Significantly regulated DEGs with a fold change of 3 or above in cultures of primary human hepatocyte B1 and HuH7 cultures B2 after lipid and TNFα treatment for 72 h. B3 Results obtained with HepG2 cultures after lipid and TNFα treatment for 7d. * denotes p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001. c Comparison of NAFLD patient liver biopsy findings [54] with in-vitro cell culture data. Shown is a Venn diagram; only PDK4 was commonly regulated when the different data sets were compared. Additionally a STRING network of protein-protein interactions of 108 commonly regulated genes amongst three different data sets is given. d Comparison of DEGs in HepG2 cells treated with a 0.5 mM mixture of oleic acid and palmitic acid and/or TNFα for 7d. Thirteen genes were commonly regulated (ACSL1, PDK4, MTTP, NR1H4, PKLR, CPT1A, ARG1, ANXA2, LAMB1, DYNC1L1, CYP24A1, CYP26A1, HSDL2). e The Venn diagram displays commonly regulated genes in primary human hepatocyte cultures treated with a 0.5 mM mixture of oleic acid and palmitic acid for 24 h, 48 h and 72 h. Two genes (ANGPTL4 and CPT1A) were commonly regulated at any time point. At the 24 h and 48 h time points, CIDEC was commonly regulated while PLIN2 and HSDL2 were commonly regulated genes after 48 h and 72 h