Experimental setup and zygote development into recruits. (A) Fertile thalli and branchlets from natural populations, (B) dispersal bags placed in situ, (C) dispersal bags placed in culture tanks (ex situ), (D) dispersion range capacity under in situ recruitment, and (E) placement of ex situ recruits in the area to be restored. Zygote and embryo development into recruits from ex situ cultures (F–J). (F) Zygotes (1 day), (G) embryos adhered to the substrate by rhizoids (1 week), (H) embryos developing into recruits (1 month, 200–400 μm), (I) first branching of the recruit (1.5 months, 400–600 μm), and (J) fully developed recruits (3 months, 5–15 mm).