(a) Water-soluble tetrazolium
(WST) assay to measure the viability of paclitaxel-resistance JAR
cells. Cells were pretreated with KCB3602 or SB1301 for 30 h, and
then treated with paclitaxel for 72 h in the absence of those compounds.
(b) Effect of KCB3602 or SB1301 on the expression of IMP1 and MDR1
which are associated with drug resistance. Cells were treated with
the compound for 30 h. (c) Sphere formation assay to observe the effect
of KCB3602 on stem-cell like growth of cancer cells. JAR cells were
pretreated with KCB3602 for 24 h, dissociated to single cells, and
the same number of viable cells were incubated in sphere forming media
for 12 days. Degree of sphere formation was observed under a microscope
or (d) measured by WST assay (3 biological replicates, standard deviation,
*P < 0.05 from paired two-tailed t test).