Age ≥65 years
Living at home
Educational level ≥7 years (from the Preparatory Course—1st grade—included)
Registered to the social security system
Motivated to effectively participate in the project and signing the informed consent form
Performance within the normal range on standardized cognitive tests according to agreed study-specific standards (age, sex and education level when available)
Native French speaker
Available to attend the intervention for the trial duration (24 months)
Retired for at least one year
No strong preference or aversion for an intervention group
No present or past regular or intensive practice of meditation or comparable practices; the practice is considered as regular and/or intensive if i) it occurs more than one day per week for more than six consecutive months over the last 10 years, and/or in case of more than five consecutive days of intensive practice (internship or retreat) over the past 10 years, and/or of more than 25 days of retreats (cumulatively) within the last 10 years
Not speaking fluent English
Safety concerns in relation to MR scanning (claustrophobia, ferromagnetic object) or PET scanning (blood sampling to check hepatic and renal functions are performed before the PET scans; known hypersensibility to Amyvid or Glucotep)
Presence of a major neurological or psychiatric disorder (including an addiction to alcohol or drugs)
History of cerebral disease (vascular, degenerative, physical malformation, tumor, or head trauma with loss of consciousness for more than an hour)
Presence of a chronic disease or acute unstable illness (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, renal, metabolic, hematologic, endocrine or infectious)
Current or recent medication that may interfere with cognitive functioning (psychotropic, antihistaminic with anticholinergic action, anti-Parkinson's, benzodiazepines, steroidal anti-inflammatory long-term treatment, antiepileptic or analgesic drugs), the interfering nature of the different treatments being at the discretion of the investigating doctor
Being under legal guardianship or incapacitation
Participation in another biomedical research protocol including the injection of radiopharmaceuticals
Physical or behavioral inability to perform the follow-up visits as planned in the study protocol